Hot Rod Harmonicas


Total 55 Posts

Light Box Prototypes

In this post I will show you a couple of light box designs that I have built. They can give you ideas on ways you can build yourself a light box. This first box has a built in dimmer switch and uses a dimmable LED 60 watt bulb. You could

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Draw Scraper 3.0

I’ve come full circle with the draw scraper tool and  have scrapers in Stock. For a while I was selling scrapers that were 1/8″ wide. I found that the narrow scraper takes smaller amounts of brass off at a time and makes it easier to fine tune reeds, and less

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My Favorite Screwdrivers

  Wiha Scredrivers are super high-quality tools made in Germany and widely distributed.  The type I use are called precision screwdrivers (pictured) and they have a red tip that rotates that you can put one finger on to guide the tool while using the rest of your fingers to rotate it

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Harmonica Reed Tool in Production…

Harmonica Tool Freaks! The R. Sleigh Reed Tool is now in final stages of tweaking and will be in production very soon. At this point (June 20th, 2015) I’m waiting to get reed tools delivered to me so I can ship them out to the people who ordered them through

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T.R.Y. !

The way you breathe, keep time, and hold your body will make you or break you as a harmonica player. The harmonica is the box of reeds. The resonator, the bellows and the metronome are all built into one amazing instrument: your body. You can customize harmonicas to be louder

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Reed Tool Prototype!

What you see here is a harmonica reed tool prototype made for me by Tom Halchak at Blue Moon Harmonicas. It is based on the legendary Farrell reed tool that is no longer available. One side has a hole that allows you to push rivets into. There is a ramp

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