Hot Rod Harmonicas

Reed Removal Tool

Stay tuned for more info on this new reed removal tool I am developing. The idea is to take the best parts of the Farrell Rivet punch / Farrell Rivet anvil & flat punch and combine them in one tool ( The Romel Reed Removal tool was a similar concept that has been around for a while…) Other refinements include:

-A built in ramp for rivets that have been punched out, so they don’t build up in the base.

– Air hardened tool steel for the anvil part of the tool

– A base that has enough mass to make the process easier (the ultimate would be to put the tool on top of another anvil to increase mass even more.

– It is small enough that it could go on the road without taking up a lot of space.

– No inserts to fall out and lose…


RS Rivet Punch1 RS Rivet Punch2 RS Rivet Punch3
