Hot Rod Harmonicas

Category: harmonica customizing

Total 11 Posts

Hertz and Cents

The following article was originally written in 2011, and I still can’t bring myself to get rid of the stupid puns… sorry! It Hertz to Have No Cents I am in the process of reading through about 60 pages of feedback, ideas, and questions on harmonica technology and music- notes

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Light Box Prototypes

In this post I will show you a couple of light box designs that I have built. They can give you ideas on ways you can build yourself a light box. This first box has a built in dimmer switch and uses a dimmable LED 60 watt bulb. You could

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Draw Scraper 3.0

I’ve come full circle with the draw scraper tool and  have scrapers in Stock. For a while I was selling scrapers that were 1/8″ wide. I found that the narrow scraper takes smaller amounts of brass off at a time and makes it easier to fine tune reeds, and less

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My Favorite Screwdrivers

  Wiha Scredrivers are super high-quality tools made in Germany and widely distributed.  The type I use are called precision screwdrivers (pictured) and they have a red tip that rotates that you can put one finger on to guide the tool while using the rest of your fingers to rotate it

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